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Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern the website you were viewing before clicking these Terms of Use. This same website will be referred to below as “this Website”.

The present conditions regulate the use of the web page, in which the information related to BI4ALL services is made available to the public. We recommend that you read the information provided in detail. The facAccessingeb page and using the materials contained therein implies the previous reading and acceptance, without any reservation, of these conditions.

BI4ALL reserves the right to refuse, suspend, interrupt or cancel access or use, totally or partially, of this web page to users or visitors who do not comply with any of the conditions outlined in this Legal Notice.

This web page contains materials such as articles, studies, and project descriptions prepared by BI4ALL for informational purposes only. BI4ALL informs that these materials may be modified, developed or updated at any time without prior notification.


Use of Contents; Restrictions and Privacy Statement

Unless otherwise stated, users are authorised to view, copy, print and distribute the content of this website (but never to edit it), provided that (i) such use is merely informative, not for commercial purposes, and (ii) any copy of the content is always accompanied by the copyright statement or any other attribute, if any, related to its content.

The full content of this site – including texts, graphics, images, sounds and any other information – is owned by BI4ALL, which owns all rights over it.

This web page contains materials such as articles, studies, and project descriptions prepared by BI4ALL for informational purposes only. BI4ALL informs that these materials may be modified, developed or updated at any time without notice.

Users are not allowed to copy or use any software or processes that are proprietary to BI4ALL or any technology embodied in this Website.

You agree to access and use this Website in accordance with all applicable laws.

You acknowledge and agree that we may use your personal data and information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, which are incorporated herein. You agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement, including the obligations imposed on each.


Intellectual Property Rights; Non-use of BI4ALL names or logos

The whole content of this web page, understand content by means of purely enunciative titles, texts, images, files, photographs, logos, graphics, icons, colour combinations, or any other element, its structure and design, selection and the presentation of the materials included therein, and the software, links and other audio-visual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes necessary for its operation, access and use, are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights, ownership of BI4ALL or third parties, without the rights of exploitation of the same, in addition to what is strictly necessary, for the correct use of the web page.

This Website and its contents are protected by copyrights, trademarks and other laws of the Portuguese State and/or other countries.

“BI4ALL” and the BI4ALL logo are registered trademarks. The use of the BI4ALL mark alone or in combination with other words or design elements in any press releases, advertising, other promotional, marketing or media materials, whether written, oral, electronic, visual or in any other format, is prohibited, except as provided in these Terms of Use or in case of express written authorisation granted by the respective trademark owner.

References to other brands, names or logos made on this Website are for identification purposes only and do not express the approval of their owners regarding this Website or any of its contents. These Terms of Use do not guarantee the users of this Website the right to use trademarks, names or logos registered by third parties.


Disclaimer and Delimitation of Responsibility

This website contains only general information and does not provide professional advice or any kind of services. Before any decision or taking action that may affect your business financially you should always consult a qualified professional who can advise you properly.

This Website is made available as it appears and does not expressly or tacitly imply representation of third parties, and we do not offer any guarantees regarding it without prejudice to the above. There is no guarantee that this Website will be error-free or meet any specific performance or quality criteria. Disclaimer of all implied warranties, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, safety and accuracy is expressly disclaimed.

The use of this Website is at the risk of its user, which assumes full responsibility and risk of loss. No liability for using this Website can be attributed, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages or any other kind of damages, whether arising out of a contract, statutes, unlawful (including unrestricted conduct of negligence), or any other.

Certain links on this Website lead users to resources maintained by third parties over which BI4ALL has no control. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no express or implied warranty regarding such resources and websites is given.

The above notice and limitations of liability apply in accordance with the law.


Additional Terms

These Terms of Use may be reviewed at any time, depending solely on our discretion, the revised terms being posted on the Terms of Use (i.e. on this page) or elsewhere on this Website. Such revisions will take effect from the moment they are placed on the page unless otherwise indicated. It is the user’s sole responsibility to be aware of the reviewed Terms of Use by periodically checking this page. Your continued use of this Website after changes to these Terms of Use implies your acceptance of the revised Terms of Use.