7 March 2024
Key takeways
It is no news that we are producing more and more data and that this data, when stored accurately, provides very valuable assets for companies. However, the biggest challenge for any organization is to transform this data into critical information for the business, resulting in higher competitiveness, profitability, innovation, improved performance and agility in decision-making.
Never before has so much information been produced. Though, how can companies leverage this data and use it to their advantage? How can you transform your company into a Data-Driven company? What challenges does the storage of information coming not only from the company itself but also the market and its customers offer? How to give an effective and anticipated response to this new reality?
The cloud is a trend that translates into higher speed and efficiency for companies. In addition, the multiple existing options democratize the access of organizations, bringing more opportunities with reduced costs.
If previously, organizations kept their data in private data centres, now they have the possibility of having it in different secure platforms, which produces immense benefits to the business, bringing innovation and performance improvement to the centre of the processes.
What is a hybrid cloud?
A hybrid cloud is a computing environment that combines a public cloud and a private cloud, allowing data and applications to be shared by both. Wherever there is a shift in resource demand and processing needs, hybrid cloud computing gives the companies the ability to efficiently scale local infrastructure also to use the public cloud to support any excess capacity. Using a hybrid cloud not only allows companies to scale their computing resources but also eliminates the need to overspend on purchasing new resources to deal with short-term spikes in demand. Companies only pay for the resources they use temporarily, rather than having to purchase, schedule and maintain additional resources and equipment that could otherwise go inactive after usage peaks and remain inactive for long periods. Hybrid cloud computing is the “best platform ever”, providing all the benefits of cloud computing – flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness – while minimizing the risk of data exposure. (Link: https://www.bi4all.pt/en/news/en-blog/hybrid-cloud-vs-multicloud/)
By combining the best of both environments, the hybrid cloud brings companies higher agility to react quickly to market changes. Therefore, a company can use the private cloud for the most critical information and keep, for instance, other less sensitive data in the public environment.
Opting for a hybrid cloud brings many advantages to organizations as it allows them flexibility, security and spending adaptability. In addition, the organization has fewer costs, as it only pays as needed.
The cloud is a powerful tool that improves business management, creates more agile routines and makes workflows more efficient.